Call for Experts: Technical Standards Airport Snow and Ice Control Equipment Committee (G-15)

  • location-icon More details will be provided upon application approval.
  • clock-icon Beginning 7/1
  • clock-icon Sign Up By: January 01, 2026


The SAE G-15 Airport Snow & Ice Control Equipment Committee addresses all facets of airport snow and ice removal equipment–design, maintenance, operation, and in-service experience. It was formed in response to request in 1999 for a technical committee to prepare industry specifications for airport snow and ice control equipment and to provide rapid response to technological changes occurring in the aviation industry. The group is dedicated to creating, preparing, and maintaining all relevant specifications, standards, and requirements for airport snow and ice control systems.

Participants in the SAE G-15 committee include Airport Operators, USAF, suppliers, consulting firms, federal government regulators and others across the aerospace and defense industries.

 Examples of standards development/revision activities

AS6138 Airport Runway Deicer
ARP5559 Runway Liquid Anti-icing / Deicing Spreaders

 Recently published documents

ARP5533A Stationary Runway Weather Information System (In-Pavement)
AMS1448B Sand, Airport Snow and Ice Control
ARP5548 Multi-Tasking Equipment (MTE) for Airfield Snow Removal High Speed, Multi-Tasking Snow Removal Unit to include Carrier Vehicle, Snow Plow, Rotary Broom Air Blast
ARP6059 Solid De-Icing/Anti-Icing Material Spreader for Airport Application
ARP5623 "Mobile Digital Infrared Pavement Surface, Ambient Air and Dew Point Temperature Sensor System"

Work Conducted:  E-mail, teleconference, face-to-face meeting, Webex.

Benefits of Participation: Volunteers have the opportunity to help develop globally used standards of interest to the member and the opportunity to meet with peers to discuss technical issues of mutual interest.

Leadership Skills Obtained in this Role:  Volunteers will work as a team and have the opportunity to assume committee leadership positions.

Time Commitment: Commitment varies based on the particular committee meeting schedule. The member should be able to attend most face to face meetings and teleconferencing events as well as provide input into the development of standards between meetings. Member must also respond to document ballots through the year.


Preferred Skills/Qualifications/Experience: Expertise in the technology of the specific committee, understanding of the role and use of standards, good communication skills, is willing to work towards consensus agreements

18-23 (age)
24-34 (age)
35-45 (age)
56-65 (age)
66+ (age)

  • Published on: June 24, 2024
  • Published by: Amanda Kibler
  • Timeframe: Perpetual
  • Location Type: Local or Remote Participation
  • Membership Restriction: Open to All (No SAE Membership Required)
  • Volunteers Needed: 5
Aerospace Sector Aerospace Standards Technical Committees