What is it?
SAE International’s annual AWIM JetToy Competition is back! Supported by Kia Georgia, SAE’s JetToy Competition brings their award-winning A World In Motion® (AWIM®) program, specifically AWIM’s JetToy Challenge, to a grand scale. The event brings together students, teachers, and professionals across Metro Atlanta and eastern Alabama for a day of community building and friendly competition as students design, construct, and race balloon-powered cars. Students will have the opportunity to apply STEM principles while practicing essential 21st century skills like critical thinking, collaboration, and communication.
The Need
We’re seeking in-person volunteers to serve as track judges. Approximately 300 students working in teams will compete in time, distance, and accuracy trials. Judges will be grouped at each of 18 tracks to help guide students through the rules and score results. Volunteers are asked to stay for the duration of the event from 8:30am to 2:00pm EST. AWIM staff will provide full instructions in advance and onsite.
To sign up, click the link below and fill in the Microsoft Form with your contact information and availability. Your information will only be used for this purpose.
Thank you, Kia Georgia, for your support to make this regional AWIM JetToy Competition possible!